Until recently, I was a teaching assistant (French: Moniteur de l'enseignement superieur) at the National Institute for Applied Science of Toulouse (INSA).
I have had the oportunity of teaching both a the undergraduate and graduate levels various courses in the Electrical and Computer Science department. Below is a list of the courses I teach with details on my responsibilities for each of them.
Graduate Teaching
Object Oriented Design & Programming
Service: Exercise sessions and Labs
Project (2006/07): Dynamically Configurable Virtual Networking Environment
Based on a configuration file, using Qemu, the students have to provide tools to dynamically deploy and configure the virtual machines in their network environment
Service: Instructor
Distributed Multimedia Applications
Service: Exercise sessions and Labs
QoS Management for distributed multimedia applications on the Internet
Service: Exercise sessions and Labs
Undergraduate Teaching
Network Programming (UV)
Service: Instructor (applications lectures)
Applications and Transport on the Internet
Service: Instructor (applications lectures)
Introduction to computer networks
Service: Exercise sessions and Labs
I3AIIF30 - C Programming & Networks
Service: Exercise sessions and Labs
I1ANIF10 - Computer Programming 1
Service: Labs
Other Teaching Experience
Analysis/Design/Development of Systems based on UML 2 - ENSA Safi (Marocco)
This lecture presents the basic methodologies for designing software systems. UML 2.0 is used a the reference language throughout the tutorial while different engineering methods are presented. From the simple waterfall to the more dynamic agile methods, the object oriented way of thinking is introduced. An addendum to this lecture presents the most commonly used GoF and GRASP design patterns.
This class is composed by 8h of lecture sessions alternated with 8h of exercise sessions; it took place in the context of the cooperation agreements between the French and Moroccan governments