projects research curriculum vitae
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Je suis actuellement employé par Thales Alenia Space à Toulouse.

Mes principaux intérêts de recherche sont liés aux problématiques de mobilité et qualité de service dans les réseaux de demain pour la gestion du trafic aérien en europe

Chapitres d'ouvrages

Enhanced Transport Protocols
In this chapter, we introduce standards transport protocol and the ETP solution. The first part is intended to give an overview of the services provided by traditional transport protocols in order to better understand why new enhanced services need to be provided. The second part introduces this advanced services offered by ETP.
Book: End-to-End Quality of Service over Heterogeneous Networks
2008, Chapter 5, XX, 266 p. 85 illus., Hardcover - ISBN: 978-3-540-79119-5

Towards the use of Models for Autonomic Network Management
N. Van Wambeke, F. Armando, C. Chassot, K. Guennoun, K. Drira and E. Exposito
This paper presents a model-based framework to support the automated and adaptive deployment of communication services for QoS. The application domain targets cooperative group activities applied to military emergency operation management systems. Various models are introduced to represent the different levels of cooperation (applicative/middleware/transport). The adaptation decision process relies on structural model transformations while its enforcement is based on the dynamic composition of micro-protocols and software components. Automated deployment is performed both at the transport (i.e. UDP-TCP level) and middleware level. The architecture to support automated network management based on these models is introduced and illustrated.
Book: Wireless and Mobile Networking
2008 - ISBN: 978-0-387-84838-9


The EuQos system

Book: End-to-End Quality of Service over Heterogeneous Networks
2008, Chapter 6, XX, 266 p. 85 illus., Hardcover - ISBN: 978-3-540-79119-5

Publications en Revues

Models and architectures for autonomic networking
This paper presents a model-based framework to support the automated and adaptive deployment of communication services for QoS. The application domain targets cooperative group activities applied to military emergency operation management systems. Various models are introduced to represent the different levels of cooperation (applicative / middleware / transport). The adaptation decision process relies on structural model transformations while its enforcement is based on the dynamic composition of micro-protocols and software components. Automated deployment is performed both at the transport (i.e. UDP-TCP level) and middleware level. The architecture to support automated network management based on these models is introduced and its performance is evaluated through the use of a Java prototype.
Accepted for publication in International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking (IJBDCN) (5(3), July - Sept, 2009)
A Cross-Layer approach to enhance QoS for multimedia applications over satellite
The need for on-demand QoS support for communications over satellite is of primary importance for distributed multimedia applications. This is particularly true for the return link which is often a bottleneck due to the large set of end-users accessing a very limited uplink resource. Facing this need, Demand Assignment Multiple Access (DAMA) is a classical technique that allows satellite perators to offer various types of services, while managing the resources of the satellite system efficiently. Tackling the quality degradation and delay accumulation issues that can result from the use of these techniques, this paper proposes an instantiation of the Application Layer Framing (ALF) approach, using a cross-layer interpreter (xQoS-Interpreter). The information provided by this interpreter is used to manage the resource provided to a terminal by the satellite system in order to improve the quality of multimedia presentations from the end user’s point of view. Several experiments are carried out for different loads on the return link. Their impact on QoS is measured through different application as well as network level metrics.
Wireless Personal Communications (Springer), 2008, ISSN: 0929-6212 (Print) - 1572-834X (Online)


A model-based approach for self-adaptive Transport protocols
Self-adaptation of communication protocols is a major issue in the conception of future services for the ambient Internet. These protocols will have to provide adequate services to complex, mobile, cooperative application with dynamic requirements distributed in highly heterogeneous environments, partially wireless and ad hoc with variable and evolutive constraints. In this highly dynamic context, providing efficient solutions requires handling adaptability not only at the behavioral level, but also at the architectural level. End-to-end modular architecture protocols are a promising solution to support architectural self-adaptation to the context. Following this approach, the contributions presented in this paper address the automated choice of internal architecture for configurable transport level protocols. Tackling this need by means of informal models may lead to non generic and suboptimal solutions due to the complexity of the problem. We propose to guide adaptation by an analytical model which is then evaluated against simulation results.
Computer Communications (Elsevier) Volume 31, Issue 11, 15 July 2008, Pages 2699-2705
Special Issue on End-to-end Support over Heterogeneous Wired-Wireless Networks.


Introducing a cross-layer interpreter for multimedia streams
In the context of multimedia and real-time systems, this article introduces a generic interpreter of QoS properties (xQoS-Interpreter) for the Application Data Units (ADUs) composing standard and proprietary multimedia streams. This approach is intended to make the QoS properties of ADUs publicly available to any mechanism of the underlying communication system. The use of this information will allow a fine QoS cross layer optimization of the communication services regarding the actual per-packet requirements of the applications. A case study showing how the xQoS-Interpreter is used to seamlessly optimize the perceived QoS of an end-to-end video transmission is presented. In this scenario, the xQoS-Interpreter is used to optimize both a TCP-friendly Rate Control mechanism (TFRC) and an IEEE 802.11e classifier in order to demonstrate the feasibility and advantages of this approach.
Computer Networks (Elsevier) Volume 52, Issue 6, 24 April 2008, Pages 1125-1141


A framework of models for QoS-oriented adaptive deployment of multi-layer communication services in group cooperative activities
This paper presents a framework of architecture-centric models to support the automated and adaptive deployment of communication services for QoS-enabled end-to-end group communication systems. The Transport level (TCP, UDP level) and the above messaging Middleware level are considered as the two communication levels targeted by the QoS-driven adaptation process. Application to Crisis Management Systems (CMS) is considered as a case study from the more general domain to which our results apply: cooperative activity support systems. The adaptation rules rely on graph matching and graph rewriting. The adaptation enactment is based on the dynamic composition of micro-protocols at the Transport level and on the dynamic binding of software components and services at the Middleware level. The deployment model is used as a central feature of service provisioning. The influence of the cooperation and communication contexts is expressed and maintained consistent by automated graph-based model refinement and transformation.
Computer Communications (Elsevier) Volume 31, Issue 13, 15 August 2008, Pages 3003-3017


Multi-layer coordinated adaptation based on graph refinement for cooperative activities
Future network environments are likely to be used by cooperative applications. Indeed, the recent advent of peer-to-peer systems where participants collaborate together in an ordered fashion motivates this assumption. In this paper, we present a method that relies on graphs as well as graph grammar productions in order to automatically refine a high level Service interactions representation of a given activity into a deployment topology at the Middleware and the Transport level. At the middleware level, a formal algorithm is presented in order to further optimize the solution. Similarly, at the Transport level, an analytical model to optimize the provisioning in the context of a modular transport protocol implementing collaborative congestion control is presented. The different models and algorithms are implemented in a case study of CMS-like operations for crisis management.
Communications of SIWN, pp.163-167, July 2008

Publications en Conférences

Design principles for an autonomic transport protocol framework
The accelerated development of Internet has facilitated the design and deployment of a large diversity of distributed applications and network technologies. The dramatic evolution of application requirements and network services has deeply impacted the traditional transport layer and different approaches have been followed in order to cope with this new context. Proposed solutions have been mainly based on partial enhancements to existing protocols or the redesigning of completely new protocols. However both approaches fail in offering an extensible framework able to easily integrate existing transport mechanisms and protocols. Moreover, this framework should easily incorporate future components aimed at satisfying new application requirements and to deal with new network services and technologies. This paper presents an autonomic transport protocol framework providing a flexible service component architecture offering self-configuring and selfoptimizing functionalities intended to application and transport protocol designers.
Latin American Autonomic Computing Symposium (LAACS 2008), Gramado (Brésil), 8-9 Septembre 2008, pp.19-26
Introducing a Collaborative Congestion Control Based on TFRC
Wireless ad-hoc networks, composed by PDA-like mobile equipments, are the technologies used in pervasive ambient networks. These environments opens applicative perspectives allowing the cooperation of hierarchical user groups which are mobile in the context of emergency operations (EO). In this paper, we introduce a novel collaborative congestion control mechanism at the transport level allowing for improving the QoS. When available resources are not enough to offer an acceptable level of QoS for all connections, the approach consists in improving the highest priorities connections while maintaining the fairness and friendliness properties regarding the other connections. We present the results obtained by ns-2 simulation that allow to determinate as well as validate the work hypothesis for such a ``collaborative'' congestion control.
World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science (WCECS 2008), San Francisco (USA), 22-24 Octobre 2008, pp.348-353
De la faisabilité d'un control de congestion collaboratif
Les réseaux sans fil et ad-hoc, composés d'équipements mobiles de type PDA, sont les technologies utilisées dans les réseaux ambiants et pervasifs. Ce type d'environnement ouvre des perspectives applicatives autorisant la coopération de groupes d'utilisateurs hiérarchisés, mobiles dans le cadre d'exercices tels que les opérations d'intervention d'urgence (OIU). Nous proposons un mécanisme de contrôle de congestion collaboratif de niveau Transport permettant une amélioration de la QdS (Qualité de Service) lorsque les ressources disponibles ne permettent pas d'offrir une QdS acceptable pour toutes les connexions. L'approche consiste à privilégier les connexions les plus prioritaires, tout en préservant la propriété d'équité vis-à-vis des autres connexions. Nous présentons les résultats obtenus en simulation ns-2 qui permettent de déterminer et de valider les hypothèses de fonctionnement d'un contrôle de congestion collaboratif.
6ème MAnifestation des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (MAJESTIC 2008), Marseille (France), 29-31 Octobre 2008, 8p.
Design principles for an autonomic transport protocol framework
The accelerated development of Internet has facilitated the design and deployment of a large diversity of distributed applications and network technologies. The dramatic evolution of application requirements and network services has deeply impacted the traditional transport layer and different approaches have been followed in order to cope with this new context. Proposed solutions have been mainly based on partial enhancements to existing protocols or the redesigning of completely new protocols. However both approaches fail in offering an extensible framework able to easily integrate existing transport mechanisms and protocols. Moreover, this framework should easily incorporate future components aimed at satisfying new application requirements and to deal with new network services and technologies. This paper presents an autonomic transport protocol framework providing a flexible service component architecture offering self-configuring and selfoptimizing functionalities intended to application and transport protocol designers.
Latin American Autonomic Computing Symposium (LAACS 2008), Gramado (Brésil), 8-9 Septembre 2008, pp.19-26
Towards the use of models for autonomic network management
This paper presents a model-based framework to support the automated and adaptive deployment of communication services for QoS. The application domain targets cooperative group activities applied to military emergency operation management systems. Various models are introduced to represent the different levels of cooperation (applicative/middleware/transport). The adaptation decision process relies on structural model transformations while its enforcement is based on the dynamic composition of micro-protocols and software components. Automated deployment is performed both at the transport (i.e. UDP-TCP level) and middleware level. The architecture to support automated network management based on these models is introduced and illustrated.
IFIP Joint Conference on Personal Wireless Communications (PWC'2008), Toulouse (France), 30 Septembre - 2 Octobre 2008, pp.459-470
NETQOS Policy Management Architecture for flexible QoS Provisioning in Future Internet
This paper is focussed on the NETQOS architecture for automated QoS policy provisioning, which can be used by different actors (network operators, service providers, and users) for flexible QoS configuration in future Internet connecting mobile, fixed, sensor and broadcast networks. The NETQOS policy management architecture opens the possibility to specify QoS policies on a business level using ontology descriptions and policy management interfaces specific to the actors. The business level policy specifications are translated by the system into intermediate and operational QoS policies for automated QoS configuration at the managed network and transport entities. NETQOS allows QoS policy specification and dependency analysis considering Service Level Agreements (SLAs) between the actors, as well as automated policy provisioning and adaptation based on the interaction of the NETQOS components using a common policy repository. The particular focus of the paper is aimed to discuss ontology and actor oriented QoS policy specification and configuration for heterogeneous networks, as well as NETQOS QoS policy management interfaces at business level and automated translation to intermediate and operational policy level.
2nd International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies (NGMAST '08), Cardiff (UK), 16-19 Septembre 2008, pp.53-58
Multi-layer coordinated adaptation based on graph refinement for cooperative activities
Future network environments are likely to be used by cooperative applications. Indeed, the recent advent of peer-to-peer systems where participants collaborate together in an ordered fashion motivates this assumption. In this paper, we present a method that relies on graphs as well as graph grammar productions in order to automatically refine a high level Service interactions representation of a given activity into a deployment topology at the Middleware and the Transport level. At the middleware level, a formal algorithm is presented in order to further optimize the solution. Similarly, at the Transport level, an analytical model to optimize the provisioning in the context of a modular transport protocol implementing collaborative congestion control is presented. The different models and algorithms are implemented in a case study of CMS-like operations for crisis management.
4th International Conference on Self-organization and Adaptation of Computing and Communications (SACC 2008), Glasgow, UK, July 22-24, 2008

QoS management in the future internet
The talks about technological convergence had been around for almost twenty years. Today Internet made it possible. And this is not only technical evolution. The way it changed our lives reflected in variety of applications, services and technologies used in day-to-day life. Such benefits imposed even more requirements on heterogeneous and unreliable IP networks. Current paper outlines QoS management system developed in NetQoS project. It describes an overall architecture of management system for heterogeneous networks and proposes automated multi-layer QoS management. Paper focuses on the structure of the most crucial modules of the system that enable autonomous and multi-layer provisioning and dynamic adaptation
World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology (WCSET 2008), Paris (France), 4-6 Juin 2008, pp.549-555
Un modèle de décision pour l'auto-adaptation des protocoles de communication
L'auto-adaptation des protocoles de communication est un enjeu majeur dans la conception des futurs services de l'Internet ambiant. Ceux-ci auront en effet à répondre aux besoins dynamiques d'applications complexes, mobiles et coopératives, distribuées dans des environnements réseaux hétérogènes, en partie sans fil et ad hoc, aux contraintes variables et évolutives. Dans ce nouveau contexte, dynamique à différents niveaux, les protocoles de bout en bout à architecture modulaire apparaissent comme un support privilégié pour l'auto-adaptation au contexte. Les contributions présentées dans cet article s'inscrivent dans cette approche et adressent le problème du choix d'architecture interne des protocoles auto configurables. Partant des propositions de protocoles à architecture modulaire issues des travaux de recherche actuels, nous proposons un modèle analytique pour guider le processus de décision, que nous confrontons ensuite, au travers d'un cas d'étude, à des mesures des performances réalisées sur une plateforme d'évaluation de protocoles à architecture configurable.
Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP), 25-28 Mars 2008, Les Arcs : France

A framework for the dynamic configuration of adaptive transport protocols
Self-adaptation of communication protocols is a major issue in the conception of future QoS-oriented services for the ambient Internet. Our approach is based on behavioural and architectural adaptation properties of dynamically configurable Transport protocols. This paper proposes an architecture for the QoS provisioning at the Transport level. To fulfil this provisioning, the decision process follows a policy-based framework, using different external models in order to have an extensible design. We illustrate the use of this framework in a case study for the QoS optimization of a mobile user, roaming from a wired network to a wireless network.
International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems (WINSYS 2007), Barcelona (Spain), 28-31 July 2007, pp.275-283
Architecture and Models for self-adaptability of Transport protocols
Quality of Service (QoS) oriented self-adaptive transport protocols are a major issue in the conception of future services for emergent networking technologies (wireless, mobiles, ad-hoc...). Indeed, transport protocols will have to cope with dynamic applicative and network requirements/constraints throughout the lifetime of a connection while still having to provide the best possible end-to-end QoS to the end users. This is due to the multiplication of access network technologies and the deployment of crosstechnology handover (i.e. convergence WiFi/GSM) combined with the generalized mobility of end users in the future "ambient" Internet. Transport protocols whose internal architecture may be dynamically configured appear to be a very promising solution for the support of QoS oriented adaptation. In this context, various problems such as the coordination of distributed adapting entities as well as the best way to guide this adaptation still remain under xploration. Regarding this last problem, model based decision process is a promising approach to avoid ad-hoc pecific solutions. Following this approach, this paper introduces an analytical model for the decision process aimed at choosing the best module composition to be instantiated in order to optimize the QoS in a dynamic context. This approach is further illustrated by a case study in which the model is used to self-adaptively optimize applicative QoS for the recently introduced IEEE 802.11e wireless networks standard.
2nd International IEEE Workshop on Service Oriented Architectures in Converging Networked Environments, in conjunction with the IEEE 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-07) Niagara Falls, Canada, May 21-23, 2007


A model based approach to communication protocol's self-adaptation
Self-adaptivity of communication protocols is a major issue in the conception of future services for the emergent networking technologies (wireless, mobiles, ad-hoc ...). After presenting the state of the various existing solutions for adaptation, we introduce a model of the decision process for the modular protocol architectures as a way to guide adaptability. This approach is further illustrated by a case study in the context of Quality of Service for IEEE 802.11e wireless networks.
2007 International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE 2007) Seoul, South Korea, April 26th-28th 2007


Transport layer QoS protocols: the micro-protocol approach
Transport Protocol design is a complex task due to the amount of functions that the transport layer can provide to applications. The design of such protocols greatly gains in maintainability, extensibility and reusability by the use of object-oriented techniques. After presenting various "frameworks" that allow to compose a transport service by associating several processing modules together, the ETP (Enhanced Transport Protocol) design is detailed and an implementation is presented. Finally, the enhancement of various transport functions in order to best suit the requirements of multimedia applications is studied.
1st OpenNet Workshop, 27-29 March 2007, Diegem, Belgium, Service Quality and IP Network Business: Filling the Gap
UML 2.0 based methodology for designing and developing real-time and QoS-oriented communication protocols
As the design and development process of software systems, such as real time applications or communication protocols, is quite complex, it requires an adequate methodology and an efficient instrumental support in order to early detect and correct both functional and non-functional errors. In this paper, an extensible and QoS-oriented platform is introduced and its use for designing and developing a QoS-oriented Enhanced Transport Protocol is given
ANIPLA International Congress 50th Anniversary 1956-2006, Methodologies for emerging technologies in automation

Rapports de projets

NetQoS: D3.5. Validation and exploitation report
Ilka Miloucheva (ed.), David Wagner, Christian Niephaus, Christophe Chassot, Nicolas Van Wambeke, Pedro A. Gutierrez, Fillip Trivunac, Christof Brandauer, Adam Flizikowski, Sophia Khavtasi, François Armando, Sathya Rao, Simon Pietro Romano
Deliverable D 3.5 has two main objectives: validation of the NETQOS system and reporting of exploitation. The validation of NETQOS is aimed to confirm that the NETQOS system satisfies the needs of different policy actors based selected scenarios. The main goal of NETQOS validation is to establish documented evidence, that the NETQOS system and its components accomplish the functional requirements for the selected scenarios. Validation activities are focussed on QoS delivery based on policy specification, configuration, monitoring and adaptation. The validation of the NETQOS system is done in accordance with validation criteria including test coverage of the requirements; conformance to expected results, feasibility of system integration and testing, if conducted; feasibility of operation and maintenance. In particular, the NETQOS validation process is based on analysis of performance of test cases in the given scenarios and testing of NETQOS acceptance and suitability with Telecom providers and other users. The exploitation report is aimed to show that the components, documents, infrastructures, know-how and demonstrators developed within the NETQOS project continue to exist beyond the life of the project.
NetQoS: D3.4. Performance assessment
Pedro A. Gutierrez, Fillip Trivunac, Ilka Miloucheva, David Wagner, Christian Niephaus, Christophe Chassot, Nicolas Van Wambeke, Christof Brandauer, Adam Flizikowski, Sophia Khavtasi, François Armando, Sathya Rao, Simon Pietro Romano
The deliverable presents the performance assessment procedures for each of the subsystems of the NETQOS system. Validation of QoS delivery based on policy specification and adaptation for selected scenarios
NetQoS: D3.3: Trials execution
Ilka Miloucheva, David Wagner, Christian Niephaus, Christophe Chassot, Nicolas Van Wambeke, Pedro A. Gutierrez, Fillip Trivunac, Christof Brandauer, Adam Flizikowski, Sophia Khavtasi, François Armando, Sathya Rao, Simon Pietro Romano
The deliverable describes the execution steps and evaluates the results of the selected NETQOS trial. The trails are composed based on the scenarios described in Deliverable D3.1 and Deliverable D3.2. The trials show particular NETQOS benefits for QoS policy management and enhanced guarantees based on component integration. The trial execution chain is divided into: "Policy specification, translation and storage", "Policy provisioning driven by an application launch" and "Policy adaptation triggered by a policy violation". This Deliverables introduces the NETQOS scenarios and hierarchical policy framework, as well as selected trials and trial execution steps, and gives detailed description of used test bed, operational steps and trial results. The results of the trial execution are discussed per operational steps. The benefits of the NETQOS system considering the trial experiments for QoS policy management and guarantees in heterogeneous Internet environment, as well as further trial work and experiments are discussed in the conclusion of this Deliverable.
NetQoS: D3.2: System integration (first prototype) and test report
Pedro A. Aranda Gutiérrez (TID), Sathya Rao (TELS), Sophia Khavtasi (TELS), Christof Brandauer (SR), Adam Flizikowski (UAM), Christophe Chassot(LAAS), Nicolas Van Wambeke(LAAS), François Armando(LAAS), Ilka Miloucheva(FHG), David Wagner(FHG), Simon Pietro Romano(CINI)
This document contains unitary test reports for the separate modules and components of the NETQOS system
NetQoS: D2.6: Implementation of policy-oriented measurement, learning, and context identification
C. Chassot, E. Exposito, N. Van Wambeke, F. Armando (LAAS/CNRS), C. Brandauer (SR), S. Khavatsi, S. Rao (TELS), S. Avallone, S.P. Romano, A. Pescapè, A. Botta, A. Dainotti, W. De Donato, L. Vollero (CINI), P. Aranda Gutiérrez (TID)
The focus of this deliverable is on the implementation of the main NETQOS components and functionalities: context identification and event distribution, monitoring and measurement activities, and the policy adaptation and learning functionalities. The implementation of such components is illustrated with reference to some typical use cases. This deliverable thus has to be perceived in combination with Deliverable 2.4, which presented the specification of the main NETQOS components. In this deliverable, the entities managed by the NETQOS systems at the different layers (transport, network and data link) are also presented, along with their design and implementation. Finally, for each such entities the corresponding interface with the NETQOS system is described.
EuQoS: D4.2.1 - Integrated EuQoS system Software architecture for application use cases and API for application driving
All EuQoS Partners
This document describes the end-to-end requirements for the application use cases and a specification of an off the shelf component-based and extensible software architecture that allows to accommodate the EuQoS system into premium multimedia service applications.
NetQoS: D2.5: Policy implementation
A. Flizikowski, R. Marcinczac (UAM), I. Miloucheva (FhG), S. Khavatsi, S. Rao (TELS), S. Avallone, S.P. Romano (CINI), N. Van Wambeke, F. Armando, E. Exposito, C. Chassot (LAAS/CNRS)
This document presents the investigation results of the different approaches explored within NETQoS: 1) to allow the system actors to express their policies and 2) to refine those policies into operational policies that can be applied by configurable entities of the communication stack. The use of ontology is described for the expression of the actors' policies through specific and dynamic GUI(s). Several techniques are investigated for the refinement of those policies: an ontology-based solution is presented for the mapping of high level policies into intermediate policies (i.e. QoS goals ...); different solutions implementing a template-based or a model-based approach are presented for the provisioning/adaptation steps at Transport, Network and Data Link levels. Those solutions take place in a knowledge-based framework described in this deliverable. The implementation principles of the conflict management process are also presented.
EuQoS: D2.2.3 - Final validation of the EuQoS system by simulation
All EuQoS Partners
In this document we present final validation of the EuQoS system by simulation in the following areas: performance evaluation of the signalling system (including scalability issues), QoS provision, and provisioning process. Based on the obtained simulation and analytical results we state some final conclusions about EuQoS system performances. As an integral part of this document there are two annexes: Annex A: Detailed simulation studies and implementation guideline and Annex B: Technical documentation of the EuQoS packet transmission level simulator.
NetQoS: D3.1 - Specification of policy-oriented measurement, learning, and context identification
P. A. Aranda Gutiérrez (TID), C. Chassot (LAAS/CNRS), E. Exposito (LAAS/CNRS), F. Armando(LAAS/CNRS), N. Armando(LAAS/CNRS), N. Van Wambeke (LAAS/CNRS), C. Brandauer (SR), S. Khavtasi, S. Rao (TESLCOM), D. Wagner(FhG), A. Flizikowski (UAM)
The deliverable defines the trials and describes planned scenarios for the NETQOS system. The selected policies and scenarios are used to test and validate the components of the NETQOS system and to show the benefits of the architecture for QoS guarantee and efficient resource utilisation considering requirements and goals of users, service providers and network operators. The particular focus is to demonstrate NETQOS scenarios aimed at QoS management in heterogeneous access network environment using policies of different actors. These scenarios are involving different components of the NETQOS architecture (application preference manager, policy repository, policy adaptation manager, policy decision manager, policy enforcement manager, MoMe tool) and their interaction using policy repository. In the planned scenarios, QoS policies of different actors are considered : user, service provider and network operator. The selected QoS policies are aimed at management of resource, transport and QoS measurements for heterogeneous network infrastructures. The benefits of the NETQOS policy framework and architecture for new business models and scenarios, as well as IETF QoS policy standardisation are discussed. The deliverable includes the operating system, software and networking requirements for the operation of the NETQOS system, as well as planned test bed and trials for the demonstration of the selected NETQOS scenarios. Technical equipment and management procedures for integration and test of NETQOS components and scenario validation are described.
NetQoS: D2.4 - Specification of policy-oriented measurement, learning, and context identification
C. Chassot, E. Exposito, N. Van Wambeke, F. Armando (LAAS/CNRS), C. Brandauer, T. Fichtel (SR), S. Kavthasi, S. Rao (TELS), I. Miloucheva, D. Wagner (FhG), A. Flizikowski, R. Marcinczak (UAM), S. Avallone, S. Pietro Romano, Alberto Dainotti (CINI)
The focus of this deliverable is on the functional specification of the dynamic aspects of the NETQOS system: the context identification and event distribution, monitoring and measurement activities, and the policy adaptation and learning functionalities. It is first analysed why these functionalities are required in a system that strives towards policy-based autonomous network management and what the requirements on the various components are. Then, the components are functionally specified. For a formal specification of the whole NETQOS system UML 2.0 is employed. The current state of the model is shown in the form of class diagrams, interfaces and signals, composite structure diagrams, and sequence diagrams for most use cases that were identified in the NETQOS deliverable D2.2
NetQoS: D2.3 - Policy specification
C. Chassot, E. Exposito, N. Van Wambeke, F. Armando (LAAS/CNRS), C. Brandauer, T. Fichtel (SR), S. Kavthasi, S. Rao (TELS), I. Miloucheva, D. Wagner (FhG), A. Flizikowski, R. Marcinczak (UAM), S. Avallone, S. Pietro Romano, Alberto Dainotti (CINI)
In this deliverable we present the policy continuum for NetQoS system. The description gives enhanced view of the policy framework design indicated in the Deliverable D2.2. This continuum is meant to provide the framework (major blocks and clear interfaces between them) for transforming the high level user requirements into network level, vendor dependent configuration commands and scripts. To preserve flexibility at multiple stages of NetQoS policy mapping process, number of information models was studied and eventually adopted partially or in a more comprehensive way. In the following chapter well known models enumerated, it is also identified what is the potential contribution of particular standard/model within the NetQoS model.
EuQoS: D1.2.2 - EuQoS Architecture update for Phase 2
All EuQoS Partners
This document describes the end-to-end requirements for the application use cases and a specification of an off the shelf component-based and extensible software architecture that allows to accommodate the EuQoS system into premium multimedia service applications.
NetQoS: D2.2 - Design of the NETQoS policy architecture
C. Chassot, E. Exposito, N. Van Wambeke, F. Armando (LAAS/CNRS), C. Brandauer (SR), J.B. Neuhaus, M. Roth, S. Rao (TESLCOM), I. Miloucheva (FhG), A. Flizikowski, R. Marcinczak (UAM), P. A. Aranda Gutierrez (TID), S. Avallone, S. Pietro Romano (CINI)
This deliverable is aimed at providing the design of the NETQoS policy-based architecture to provision end to end QoS in IP networks. In order to carry out analysis and designing phases, the Unified Process methodology based on the UML 2.0 language has been selected to elaborate the NETQoS architecture. This methodology has been used to analyse the system requirements specification as well as the business scenarios from D2.1 in order to identify the main services to be provided by NETQoS. From this analysis, 15 textual use cases have been developed in order to describe how the different system, subsystems and components collaborate in order to implement the various services. Moreover, the main interfaces allowing the communication between these internal entities have also been identified. This process allows proposing the high level design of the NETQoS system structure including services and internal functionalities.
NetQoS: D2.1 - QoS solution Analysis and User/application requirements and business scenarios
C. Chassot, E. Exposito, N. Van Wambeke, F. Armando, I. Bouassida, K. Drira (LAAS-CNRS), C. Brandauer, F. Strohmeier, P. Dorfinger (SR), P. A. Aranda Gutierrez (TID), A. Flizikowski, K. Samp (UAM), I. Miloucheva (FhG), S. Avallone, L. Vollero, S. Pietro Romano (CINI), M. Michalak, M. Roth, S. Rao (TESLCOM)
This document identifies the contextual model of the NETQoS project and the requirements which have to be taken into account for the NETQoS architecture design. It is composed of three main parts. In the first one, the state of the art of the context targeted by NETQoS is described. The different QoS-oriented techniques applied at the different layers of the communication stack are presented. Policy-based management strategies for providing QoS, particularly at the network layer, are discussed. The second part presents several business scenarios motivating the NETQoS objectives and identifying the requirements of the NETQoS actors. These scenarios are based on the user/application and network operator/service provider perspectives and are aimed at illustrating the advantages of a policy driven QoS provisioning architecture. The third part of the document presents the requirements expressed to the NETQoS system considering the different points of view of the NETQoS actors. A set of requirements related to QoS policies is also presented.

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