Jun - 09


French people generally “try to speak englisch”!

Posted in Tourism on June 14th, 2009 by Nicolas


Traveling around the Toulouse region, in a path directed by hunger and satisfaction, I came across the most sincere door label I’d ever seen :)

The sign is displayed on the door to a “boulangerie” (bakery) and obviously is a call for the hungry tourist to come in and enjoy the region’s specialty. Although you can also find “calissons” which are not specially typical of the region in there too.

Anyway, I think the sing says it all.

Jun - 09


Trac : A great project management tool !

Posted in Java & Eclipse, Work on June 14th, 2009 by Nicolas


@Work, I’ve worked on several software projects. First, I was a plain programmer not caring for the “where are we now?” question but rater quickly, I was assigned managerial responsibilities and the only thing that I had on my mind was “where are we now!?”. I’ve found the Trac project to be just what I needed in order to successfully calm my stress by providing a constant answer to the big question.

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