
Is Google giving extra space or charging for it ?

The race for storage space between Yahoo! and Google has already been discussed on many blogs lately. The decision by Yahoo! to offer unlimited storage space for your emails has been welcome by most! I personally still prefer Gmail which to my opinion has much more usability than Yahoo!. This is specially true when combined with Google Calendar (or Agenda) and other Google goodies such as Google Notepad, Google Stocks, Picasa etc…

There is however, something not so logical when it comes to space and Google….

…. It appears that if you have not enough space on your Google Mail & Picasa accounts, you can purchase more at high fees as it can be seen here as reported by Yahoo! News.

However, on Mashable (french) it can be read that some users are getting 9Gb of space by Google as soon as they approach the 2900Mb current limit.

What is the truth behind all this, is Google giving you more space or is it charging you for it?

It appears it’s charging, but what’s behind the 9Gb report? It seems that this is a gradually coming merge of the storage space offered on all Google Apps into a single storage space. So if you’re using all of it and want to receive another mail, you might just as well delete a few pictures from Picasa Web and that will get the job done.

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