Aug - 07



Posted in General on August 10th, 2007 by Nicolas

While watching the french (TF1) TV news someday this week, I’ve discovered the existence of Spock! after a little google search, I also found this post on Mashable France about it.

These guy’s goal is to do some kind of wikipedia/linkedIn/hi5 hybrid that will not only contain information that someone enters into it but also information that is gathered automatically, much in the way search engines do. The preliminary results look very nice!

The fact that I had a LinkedIn profile alone was enough for them to find me and have me in there.
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Aug - 07


SSH to intranet hosts from outside – SSH gateway

Posted in General, Work on August 7th, 2007 by Nicolas

For some of the latest projects I’m working on, it is required that I quite frequently access various machines that are located behing a corporate firewall, on a privately adressed subnet inside a company.

One option I had but got fed up with quite fast was :

 outside$ ssh nicolas@gateway 
 gateway$ ssh root@box1 
 ssh -t nicolas@gateway ssh root@box1

Once again, SSH came in handy and I found that everything was there for me to have that first hop and re-ssh done automatically. Just added the following to my ~/.ssh/config

 Host gateway       
 User nicolas 

 Host box1       
 User root       
 ProxyCommand ssh gateway nc -w 1 %h 22

This, coupled to ssh’s passwordless authentication made my day a lot easier ;)

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Aug - 07


Auto SSH-Tunnel to a CVS repository with eclipse

Posted in Java & Eclipse, Work on August 6th, 2007 by Nicolas

Some of the software projects I’m involved in require access to a CVS repository which is behind a corporate firewall that will drop all incoming traffic which is not directed to a specific machine (the SSH server) on port 22. This situation made it hard to code from outside the organization’s network.


Some geekery would be to setup an SSH tunnel from the eclipse machine that would encrypt pserver while outside of the organization and forward it from the SSH server to the CVS server. This could be done by executing the following command:


One would then configure eclipse to access the CVS repository located at localhost using pserver, ssh would do the rest.

This method is now “integrated” into eclipse. When going to File->New->Project->CVS->Project from CVS, you can now choose the pserverssh2 connection method.

You then have to fill the “Host” field using this syntax:


if the ssh server listens on the default port 22.

You then fill in the username and password with your pserver CVS’ credentials and you’re all set!


Jul - 07


France’s Pays Cathare – Carcassonne

Posted in Tourism on July 15th, 2007 by Nicolas

HPIM0949In the Aude depatement in South-West France, not far from Toulouse, lies the city of Carcassonne. It is easily reachable by air from London, Shannon, Dublin and Brussels by RyanAir.

The main attraction in Carcassonne is the Medieval City and the historic center. For having flown RyanAir several times to Brussels and London, I have had the oportunity of visiting both on various occasions ans I must say that I always find something new !

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Aug - 05


Internship @ LAAS – CNRS

Posted in Work on August 2nd, 2005 by Nicolas

Almost a month ago, I started my Internship at the Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture Systems.

I’ve finished the first part of the Interniship which consisted in the study of currently implemented techniques for coding multimedia contents and transmitting them on a packet switching network.
Among the documents produced (hopefully soon to be on the website) are a report on the different coding techniques used aswell as a detailed analysis of the flow ADU’s structure oriented towards optimization of a selective repeat mechanism that a QoS aware transport protocol could use.
I also contributed to an ongoing study for characterization of multimedia flows on a packet switch network lead by a friend whose report should (if I get his authorization) also be posted here soon.

The second part of the Internship consists in protocol modeling following the work on dynamically adaptative and composable transport protocols. I’m discovering the different uses of the TAU Generation2 modeling tool aswell as the “ETP framework” in which my work should take place.. More to come on that soon… I hope.


Jun - 05


F-BTTE at LFMT Monptellier

Posted in Plane Spotting on June 24th, 2005 by Nicolas

To start this section, I’ve decided to post a nice pic of this Dassault
Mercure 100 (which is not yet on I’ve taken
it from the highway near Montpellier airport. This plane has worn
several colors during its flying life, even Air Littoral which it never
flew in. It is parked at the ESMA (Ecole Superieure des Metiers de
l’Aeronautique) for instructional purposes now.

I plan to go spot around LFBO (Toulouse Blagnac) during the next days.. Let’s hope I find something amusing to show here :P


Sep - 04


Testing the new WebSite Blog!!

Posted in General on September 6th, 2004 by Nicolas

Hellow, I’m trying to test this thing to see how nice it can become.. Long life to the bloggers and blogs all over the plannet… I hope I’ll ever find a use for this nice custom blog on my website.. If I don’t ever find any, don’t worry, be happy! C-Ya Nicolas